Contributing on text_formatter#

This is an open-source project, so we accept contributions, and we appreciate it a lot.

Collaborate on the code#

We are hosting the text_formatter code on GitHub. That supports many ways for contributing.

Fork the repository and contribute#

To propose changes to the code, you can fork the GitHub repository, and then push commits to a branch. After that, you can open a pull request on the original repository. That pull request could close an open issue, or add a new feature.

After you submit a pull request, the project maintainers will review the code to decide if your suggestion will be applied.

Code style#

We have adopted the black code style to format our code. When you contribute with Python code, you should respect that style. To avoid a CI failure, you can run nox -s format to format the code according to black.

Participate on issues#

Like most of the projects, we have enabled the GitHub issues. Use them to report an unexpected behaviour or a feature request.

See also

How do we handle issues on our GitHub repository

Read about our GitHub issues, labels, and templates.

Contributions to documentation#

Documentation Status

We are hosting our documentation at ReadTheDocs. The documentation is built using Sphinx (version 4.0 or greater) and uses some other dependencies [1].

Since we are saving the documentation files on the same repository than the code (on a docs folder), the same recomendations (mentioned before) apply for contributing to the documentation.

Supported Python versions#

We accept issues and contributions related to these Python versions:

Python version



To be removed (#53)









Maintainers of the code#

At this moment, text_formatter is maintained and owned by Diego Ramirez.

Contributing guidelines#

Read the contributing guidelines here.
